Payment Options

We accept Credit Cards, Checks, Cash, or Electronic with-drawls***…

We have installed a  Locked Payment Drop Box for your convenience. DO NOT LEAVE CASH,  just in case. This box is checked multiple times a day.

Remember, all payments are due the first of the month and rentals are prorated to the first of the month.

***To use electronic with-drawl, please see us to fill out the forms necessary.

Mailing Address: (Please do not send cash through the mail)

County Road Self Storage, LLC.
135 County Rd
Milford, Maine 04461
207-827-7353 (207-827-SELF)

If you wish to pay with cash, please call and make arrangements to drop it off. We do NOT advise sending cash by mail. If you reach an answering machine, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Normally I have just stepped away from the phone for a little while.